여러 계정을 연락처에 연결하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

수정일 금, 9 6월, 2023 시간: 3:10 PM

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Freshsales SuiteFree

사용자는 여러 계정을 하나의 연락처에 연결할 수 있습니다. 다음은 이 기능이 유용한 몇 가지 사용 사례입니다:

  1. '부동산' 사용 사례에서는 판매자/부동산 소유자/중개인(연락처)을 1개 이상의 부동산(계정)과 연결할 수 있습니다.
  2. '관광'에서는 여행사(연락처)가 둘 이상의 위치/관광 명소(계정)와 연결될 수 있습니다.
  3. 회사 1(계정)의 CEO(연락처)가 회사 2(계정)의 이사회에 속할 수 있으므로 두 회사 모두에서 비즈니스에 영향력을 행사할 수 있습니다.

연락처에 여러 계정을 추가하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?

  1. 연락처 추가 양식에서 아이콘을 클릭합니다.
  2. 계정 옆의 라디오 버튼을 선택하여 해당 계정을 기본 계정으로 표시합니다. 연락처의 직책 필드가 기본 계정과 연결됩니다.
  3. 계정을 삭제하려면 연결된 계정을 삭제하려면 연결된 계정을 클릭합니다.

연락처에 몇 개의 계정을 연결할 수 있나요?

한 연락처에 최대 25개의 계정을 연결할 수 있습니다.

여러 계정을 연락처에 연결하면 웹 애플리케이션의 여러 기능에 어떤 영향이 있나요?

Impact areasBehavior
Contact create
  • ‘Account name’ field is replaced with ‘Accounts’ field
  • Users can add multiple accounts associated to contact. Max limit is 25.
  • Primary Account is mandatory if any account is associated to contact.
  • Accounts field behavior remains the same. The choices show existing accounts present. A new account record is auto-created, if not present.
Contact update
  • Account name field is replaced with Accounts field
  • User can add/remove/update multiple accounts associated to contact.Max limit is 25.
  • Primary Account is mandatory if any account is associated to contact.
  • Accounts field behavior remains the same. The choices show existing accounts present. A new account record is auto-created, if not present.
Contact merge
  • Accounts field value of primary contact is appended with an account of secondary contact.
  • Max 25 accounts can be associated. If more than 25 accounts are present, only 25 are retained and rest accounts association is lost.
Contact inline
  • In the details page, related accounts are available in header section. When you click on Primary Account edit, the Accounts field is editable inline.
  • Same behavior in list views. 
Contact import
  • Only the Primary Account is imported. 
  • With Add new records option, the primary account is associated to new contacts created
  • With Update without overwriting values, CSV file does not impact contacts with accounts already present. If accounts are not present, the Accounts field is updated as per CSV file value
  • With Update with overwriting values, CSV file account value is added as Primary Account and all existing accounts are appended as secondary accounts. Please note here existing primary account becomes a secondary account and no value is lost.
Contact API
  • Backward compatibility will be maintained over a period of 6 months. We will deprecate the old APIs after this period. Backward compatibility includes below keys in JSON
    • sales_account_id
      • When sales_account_id key is passed, we will add the association and make it as primary
      • Example => “sales_account_id”: 1
    • sales_account
      • When sales_account key is passed, we will add the association and make the newly created sales account as the primary
      • Example => “sales_account”: {“name”: “Default Company”}
  • New key - sales_accounts can be used to associate Multiple Sales Accounts to contact. Please note that only association will be possible, dynamic creation of multiple accounts is not supported. The value of new key can be sent as below
    • Example => “sales_accounts”: [{“id”: 1, “is_primary”: true}, {“id”: 2, “is_primary”: false}]
    • Here id will be sales account id 
    • is_primary can be sent to specify the primary sales account of the contact
    • Please note there should be at least one id whose is_primary key value is true.
    • Only valid sales account ids will be accepted
    • We will always replace older associations with the new ones if sales_accounts key is passed. Customer should pass sales_accounts as null or empty( [] ) if he wants to delete all existing associations.
  • Please note that precedence is maintained when all above keys are sent together 
    • sales_accounts > sales_account > sales_account_id
Contact bulk update
  • Bulk update overwrites the Accounts field values
Contact details page
  • All related accounts are displayed on the contact header section 
Contact list view filters
  • Filter on Accounts field works on all account values associated irrespective of primary or secondary
Account details page
  • All related contacts are displayed
  • Conversations of all contacts are displayed under Accounts recent conversations
Account deleted
  • In contacts where the deleted account is primary, the next account value in the Accounts list on contact is made primary
  • Accounts filter can be applied and works on all accounts associated irrespective of primary or secondary
CRM Migration
  • Only the primary account is considered
Module customization
  • The Accounts field is accordingly renamed
Multiple language support
  • Accounts field is accordingly translated
  • Only primary account value is displayed. Will provide support for multiple accounts soon

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